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Pólo de Equinos da FMV-ULHT – Hospital Veterinário de Equinos de Sto Estevão


The Iberian Peninsula is considered a biodiversity “hotspot” because it suffered the influence of several cultures and it was also a Glacial refugium. Native animal breeds were developed in Iberia and they are locally adapted to specific geographic and climate conditions. Extensive genetic data has been gathered for Portuguese native cattle and dogs showing that they harbor high genetic diversity and are genetically structured. No phylochronological study has been conducted to investigate past genetic diversity of Iberian breeds and the occurrence of local domestication.

O Laboratório sorólogico lança nova linha de champôs terapêuticos.

No dia 21 de Abril de 2010, decorreu a I JobShop de Medicina Veterinária, organizada em conjunto com a Direcção de Relações Internacionais, Estágio, Emprego e Empreendorismo.

A Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Lusófona irá receber os dias de pré e pós congresso (24 e 27 de Maio de 2012) do 21st European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry que decorrerá em Lisboa no Palácio de Congressos do Hotel Tivoli.